Results for 'C. Nenad Miscevi'

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  1.  11
    Fizično in psihično: uvod v filozofijo psihologije.Nenad Miščević - 1998 - Šentilj: Aristej. Edited by Olga Markič.
  2.  15
    Filozofija jezika.Nenad Miščević - 2003 - Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk.
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  3. Bijeli šum: studije iz filozofije jezika.Nenad Miščević - 1978 - Rijeka: Izdavački centar Rijeka.
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    Marksizam i post-strukturalistička kretanja: Althusser, Deleuze, Foucault.Nenad Miščević - 1975 - Rijeka : Marksistički centar,: Centar za društvenu i uslužnu djelatnost mladih.
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: On radicalization and violent extremism.Mitja Sardoč, C. A. J. Coady, Vittorio Bufacchi, Fathali M. Moghaddam, Quassim Cassam, Derek Silva, Nenad Miščević, Gorazd Andrejč, Zdenko Kodelja, Boris Vezjak, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1162-1177.
    This collective paper on radicalization and violent extremism part of the ‘Philosophy of education in a new key’ initiative by Educational Philosophy and Theory brings together some of the leading contemporary scholars writing on the most pressing epistemological, ethical, political and educational issues facing post-9/11 scholarship on radicalization and violent extremism. Its overall aim is to move beyond the ‘conventional wisdom’ associated with this area of scholarly research best represented by its many slogans, metaphors and other thought-terminating clichés. By providing (...)
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  6. Govor drugoga: ogledi iz filozofske hermeneutike.Nenad Miščević - 1977 - Beograd: NIP "Mladost".
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    Od misli do jezika.Nenad Miščević - 1987 - Rijeka: Izdavački centar Rijeka.
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    Radnja i objašnjenje.Nenad Miščević - 1988 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Special theory of relativity in chemistry.Nenad Raos - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 24 (1):87-95.
    Application of Einstein special theory of relativity in chemistry seems to be superfluous; energies are too low. The average velocity of electron in hydrogen atom is 1/135 c, making its actual mass only 26,6 ppm bigger than the rest mass. However, for heavier elements relativistic effects have to be taken into account and, more, many phenomena cannot be explained without ascribing new mass to electrons, in accordance with Einstein theory. In this paper such phenomena are described: color of metallic gold (...)
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    Response-intentionalism about color: A sketch.Nenad Miščević - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (11):179-191.
    Building on Crane’s intentionalism, the paper proposes a variant of response-dependentist view of colors. To be of a color C is to have a disposition to cause in normal observers a response, namely, intentional phenomenal C-experience. The view is dubbed “response-intentionalism”. It follows from the following considerations, with the red of a tomato surface taken as an example of color C. Full phenomenal red is being visaged as being on the surface of the tomato. Science tells us that full phenomenal (...)
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    What Is Seen Is Who You Are: Are Cues in Selfie Pictures Related to Personality Characteristics?Bojan Musil, Andrej Preglej, Tadevž Ropert, Lucia Klasinc & Nenad Č Babič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Color.Nenad Miščević - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):489-507.
    Matthen’s semantic theory of color is compared and contrasted with a variety of dispositionalism, to be called response-intentionalism (since it claims that color is a disposition to produce intentional states involving color-looks. First, it is argued that the two theories are not so far from each other; Matthen might be a closed dispositionalist, since he does stress the causal power of surfaces to produce color representations (signs). Next, the pragmatist component of his theory is addressed. Can usefulness unify color? It (...)
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    Theories of Rationality.Nenad Smokrović - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):247-247.
    In traditional semantic theory the meaning of a word or operator (logical constant) is permeated with normativity. It is held that if one grasps the meaning of a word (or logical constant), one ought to behave in a certain way. This view is labelled as normativism here. Normativists hold that meaning is intrinsically and irreducibly normative. The naturalistic approach to semantics, on the other hand, which tries to reconcile the traditional approach to meaning with a naturalistic world-view, has to naturalise (...)
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    Meinong and the theory of objects.Rudolf Haller (ed.) - 1996 - Rodopi.
    Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents: Rudolf HALLER: Zwei Vorworte in einem. Evelyn DÖLLING: Alexius Meinong: "Der blinde Seher Theiresias". Jaakko HINTIKKA: Meinong in a Long Perspective. Richard SYLVAN: Re-Exploring Item-Theory. Francesca MODENATO: Meinong's Theory of Objects: An Attempt at Overcoming Psychologism. Jan WOLE??N??SKI: Ways of Dealing with Non-existence. Karel LAMBERT: Substitution and the Expansion of the World. Terence PARSONS: Meinongian Semantics Generalized. Reinhardt GROSSMANN: Thoughts, Objectives and States of Affairs. Peter SIMONS: Meinong's Theory of Sense and Reference. Barry SMITH: More Things in (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Artificial intelligence and African conceptions of personhood.C. S. Wareham - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (2):127-136.
    Under what circumstances if ever ought we to grant that Artificial Intelligences (AI) are persons? The question of whether AI could have the high degree of moral status that is attributed to human persons has received little attention. What little work there is employs western conceptions of personhood, while non-western approaches are neglected. In this article, I discuss African conceptions of personhood and their implications for the possibility of AI persons. I focus on an African account of personhood that is (...)
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  16.  44
    Philosophical racism and ubuntu: In dialogue with Mogobe Ramose.C. W. Maris - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):308-326.
    This article discusses two complementary themes that play an important role in contemporary South African political philosophy: (1) the racist tradition in Western philosophy; and (2) the role of ubuntu in regaining an authentic African identity, which was systematically suppressed during the colonial past and apartheid. These are also leading themes in Mogobe Ramose’s African Philosophy Through Ubuntu. The first part concentrates on John Locke. It discusses the thesis that the reprehensible racism of many founders of liberal political philosophy has (...)
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    N. R. Hanson and von Uexküll: A Biosemiotic and Evolutionary Account of Theories.C. David Suárez Pascal - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):247-261.
    This paper proposes a biosemiotic conception of theories, as non-intentional organic theories, which is based on an analysis and comparison of philosopher Norwood Russell Hanson’s account of theories and zoologist Jakob von Uexküll’s theory of organisms. It is argued that Hanson’s proposals about scientific theories and their relation to observation are semiotic in nature and that there exists a correspondence between Hanson’s depiction of the relationship between theories, observation, and reality and von Uexküll’s views on the relationship between organisms and (...)
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  18. Memory and Perspective.C. J. McCarroll & John Sutton - 2017 - In Sven Bernecker & Kourken Michaelian (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. pp. 113–126.
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    (2 other versions)Aristotle’s de Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic.C. W. A. Whitaker - 1998 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 51:171-172.
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  20. Introduction: Structuralism as a program for modelling theoretical science.C. Ulises Moulines - 2002 - Synthese 130 (1):1-11.
  21. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans.C. E. B. Cranfield - 1975
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  22. Terrorism, morality, and supreme emergency.C. A. J. Coady - 2004 - Ethics 114 (4):772-789.
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    Non-consensual disclosure of infectious drug resistant tuberculosis status in the occupational context: Health workers stuck between a rock and a hard place.C. Nnaji, S. Adams & L. London - 2020 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 13 (1):34.
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    Caregiver Report of Executive Functioning in Adolescent Females With Anorexia Nervosa or Autism Spectrum Disorder.C. Alix Timko, John D. Herrington, Anushua Bhattacharya, Emily S. Kuschner & Benjamin E. Yerys - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Current literature suggesting a shared endophenotype between individuals with anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder related to executive functioning has several limitations: performance-based instead of ecologically valid measures of set-shifting are used, lack of comparisons between same-sex groups, and reliance on adult samples only. This was the first study directly comparing female youth with ASD to female youth with AN using an ecologically valid measure of EF. A secondary data analysis combined caregiver-reported EF on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive (...)
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  25. A new algebra of implications and some consequences.C. I. Lewis - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (16):428-438.
  26. Special relativity and determinism.C. W. Rietdijk - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (4):598-609.
  27.  14
    Clinical Ethics: Theory and Practice.C. Barry Hoffmaster, Benjamin Freedman & Gwen Fraser - 1989 - Humana Press.
    There is the world of ideas and the world of practice; the French are often for sup pressing the one and the English the other; but neither is to be suppressed. -Matthew Arnold The Function of Criticism at the Present Time From its inception, bioethics has confronted the need to reconcile theory and practice. At first the confrontation was purely intellectual, as writers on ethical theory (within phi losophy, theology, or other humanistic disciplines) turned their attention to topics from the (...)
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  28.  93
    On the strength of nonstandard analysis.C. Ward Henson & H. Jerome Keisler - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):377-386.
  29. Weak externalism and mind-body identity.C. Macdonald - 1990 - Mind 99 (395):387-404.
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    Two Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems and Their Relevance to Economics.C. A. Cosenza & Francisco Antonio Doria - 2018 - In Wuppuluri Shyam & Francisco Antonio Dorio (eds.), The Map and the Territory: Exploring the Foundations of Science, Thought and Reality. Springer. pp. 419-429.
    Maps and territory suggest problems which have to do with the opening of pathways in some poorly explored domain.
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  31.  85
    On certainty and indoctrination.C. J. B. Macmillan - 1983 - Synthese 56 (3):363 - 372.
  32. Analyzing analysis.C. Anthony Anderson - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 72 (2-3):199 - 222.
  33.  13
    Aspectus Et Affectus: Essays and Editions in Grosseteste and Medieval Intellectual Life in Honor of Richard C. Dales.Richard C. Dales - 1993 - Ams Pressinc.
    The 65th year of a scholar who has devoted 40 years to editing and elucidating Robert Grosseteste provides us with a collection of essays. Not surprisingly, they emanate from colleagues and former students of Richard Dales and reflect his interest, among other concerns, in Grosseteste's aspectus et affectus - range of vision and disposition of mind - those twin peaks with which the 13th century thinker helped to get Christian thought through Aristotle without mutual destruction.
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    Mr. F. C. Russell Still Demurs.Francis C. Russell - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):620-627.
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  35. The isomorphism property in nonstandard analysis and its use in the theory of Banach spaces.C. Ward Henson - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (4):717-731.
  36.  43
    Are neocortical gamma waves related to consciousness?C. Vanderwolf - 2000 - Brain Research 855 (2):217-224.
  37. The Tao Encounters in the West (AT Nuyen).C. Li - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (2):172-175.
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    Some logical considerations concerning the mental.C. I. Lewis - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (April):225-232.
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    Why the mind has a body.C. A. Strong - 1928 - Mind 37 (146):262-263.
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    National Bioethics Advisory Commission Report: Ethical and Policy Issues in International Research.B. -J. C. - 2001 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 23 (4):9.
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    An order-sorted logic for knowledge representation systems.C. Beierle, U. Hedtstück, U. Pletat, P. H. Schmitt & J. Siekmann - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 55 (2-3):149-191.
  42. Letters to Doubting Thomas: A Case for the Existence of God.C. Stephen Layman - 2007 - Ars Disputandi 7:1566-5399.
    Letters to Doubting Thomas is an exchange of letters between two characters on the existence of God; it provides a cumulative case for Theism (the belief that God exists). Chapter by chapter, theism is compared with Naturalism (roughly, the view that there is no God and that ultimate reality is physical reality), concluding that Theism (on balance) provides a better explanation of the world and human life than does Naturalism.
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    Whewell's philosophy of scientific discovery. II.C. J. Ducasse - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (2):213-234.
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    Individual rights in Schleiermacher’s limited communitarian state.C. Jeffery Kinlaw - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (4):687-706.
    In his lectures on ethics and on the state Schleiermacher develops a theory of a limited communitarian state, one that purports to balance individual interests and rights with the more general aims...
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  45. The New Testament Background: Selected Documents.C. K. Barrett - 1956
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  46. The Signs of an Apostle.C. K. Barrett - unknown
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    Renamable paramodulation for automatic theorem proving with equality.C. L. Chang - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (3-4):247-256.
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    Por qué Una Concepción restrictiva de la razón pública Viola la neutralidad estatal.Julio C. Montero - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30.
    La tesis central de este artículo es que la concepción de la razón pública propuesta por John Rawls, incluso en su versión “inclusiva”, es demasiado restrictiva y viola el principio liberal de legitimidad y la tesis de la neutralidad del estado, que constituyen elementos centrales de la teoría política de Rawls y del liberalismo político en general. Finalmente, se propone una concepción alternativa de la razón pública liberal, centrada únicamente en un deber básico de civilidad, el deber de reciprocidad, a (...)
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  49. The Gospel According to St. Mark (The Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary).C. E. B. Cranfield - 1959
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    Cold-War ideology : an apologetics for global ethnic conflict?Robert C. Trundle - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):49-72.
    Kant had a notion of our determined and freely-choosing behavior which illuminates basic assumptions of contemporary ideologies. A myopic embracement of only one or the other behavior has been superseded by a new entanglement which renders moot ordinary political classifications. Fascism had typically affirmed the radical freedom of an Uebermensch as well as a superior race and racism; Marxist communism a radical determinism as well as inevitable class warfare. But during the Cold War, especially since the 1960s, there arose in (...)
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